5 Ways A Cloud Workspace Makes Your Company More Productive

February 22, 2018
Posted in Blog
February 22, 2018 Richard McElroy


Over the past three weeks we’ve been talking about the reasons why many companies in the SMB Market are looking to move their technology to a Cloud Workspace. We’ve discussed the Physical security of your data in the cloud and the trust and privacy concerns of business owners.

By now, hopefully,  we have addressed many of the basic concerns most business owners have about putting their day to day operations in the cloud.  If there are other questions concerning physical security, trust and privacy feel free to contact me and I’d be happy  to discuss your specific questions.

Now though, let’s move onto the fun stuff!  How will you and your company benefit from a Cloud Workspace!

This week we are going to discuss some of the productivity gains your company can achieve using a Cloud Workspace.

1) Faster Response Time To Customers, Vendors and Potential Customers

Let’s face it, work is no longer limited to the usual 9-5 workday in the office sitting at a desk.  Your business has to respond to customers and vendors faster than ever before and at odd hours. Sometimes missing an opportunity can be the difference between being able to respond effectively with the right information immediately or needing time to respond due to physical constraints of time and geography. A Cloud Workspace allows for access to your information anytime, anywhere on any device.

2) Employee Productivity 

Employees want to be able to work from anywhere with whatever device they have available. Providing employees with a Cloud Workspace empowers employees with a portable, always available computing environment that has THEIR desktop, personalized with all of their apps and their data.

The company no longer loses productivity hours because an employee has a personal issue that requires them to miss a day at the office. Snow days, child sick days or just waiting for a delivery person no longer requires the employee to take a personal day. They can work from home just as effectively as they can in the office!

3) Slow Hardware

Many offices have a few PC’s or laptops that are just painful to work on. For whatever reason… budget, no time for support or any other number of reasons.  Hardware issues can be frustrating and a productivity sink. With a Cloud Workspace the desktop is on fast hardware in the cloud. The days of waiting for another reboot are over.

4) Training Efficiency 

Once the decision is made to move to a Cloud Workspace the next decision to be made is what apps are going to be deployed.  The apps deployed are standardized across the company so every employee is on the same version of Microsoft Office or Outlook and an employee is not able to download a “special” application that may not be approved by the company.

Standardizing applications and ensuring what applications are used to perform business functions greatly enhances company productivity and reduces learning curves.

5) Less Support Time and Less Down Time

When you choose to go to a Cloud Workspace on of the things you will notice is that support calls to IT drop. By providing a secure, locked down and standardized computing environment you’ll ensure that many of the issues that generate your current support calls just don’t happen anymore.

And, for those times that one of your PC’s has a physical hardware issue. Just swap it out, connect to the Cloud Workspace and continue working.

It can’t get any easier

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